Healthy Longer

Healthy Longer | Psychische Gesundheit Fitness
Healthy Longer | Psychische Gesundheit Fitness

Romeo holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Basel. He started his career as a software engineer, followed by several senior IT management positions delivering high-quality IT solutions to 20,000+ users at a very competitive cost. Romeo is currently head of Records and Information Management (RIM) IT at Credit Suisse. He has extensive experience in the retention, protection, and management of record data with a particular focus on compliance with various regulatory requirements such as GDPR and SEC Rule 17a-4.


“I believe we need targeted, individual health risk analysis triggering our corresponding actions. Individual health risk mitigation if you want a more compact term. The “one size fits all“ the current medical system offers, is not the answer most of us need to live HEALTHY and LONGER. Medical science and technology have advanced, together they have the individual answers for us. Think of the old TV broadcast style vs. on demand streaming of today…. What would you choose primarily? We are also getting there with individual health checks. And we want to be part of this journey.”