Healthy Longer

Healthy Longer | Psychische Gesundheit Fitness
Healthy Longer | Psychische Gesundheit Fitness

Claude-Alain holds a degree in IT engineering and has over 30 years experience in the development of secure software solutions for small enterprises, technological market leaders (Swisscom), and global financial corporates such as UBS and Credit Suisse. His experience covers the design and programming of advanced solutions with modern technology with an emphasis on the domain of Data Warehouses & Big Data. In his senior positions, Claude combines technological innovation with deep competence in handling and processing highly sensitive data.

“At 55, I have health issues, but I don’t like feeding my body with chemicals. When Joanna approached me to design and develop software solutions for HEALTHY-LONGER, the concept immediately caught my interest. I had just seen a documentary on TV about a scientific experiment in a prison where volunteer inmates follow a special diet and how it improved their stress, anxiety, and depression and lowered their aggression levels. That’s when it clicked in my head, Joanna and Roland have their hands on something important. From then on, I wanted to support her in bringing HEALTHY-LONGER products to market. I feel like now more than ever, with the impact of the COVID-19 situation has on people, we need ways to improve health and mind in a safe and natural way.”